Nursery and Playroom Wallpaper Decorating

Decorating a nursery or tiny one’s room is such a fun thing to do as it's an expression of our love and dreams that we want to wrap our little ones in. Yet with all the choices there are on the market, and the fact that you are probably busy enough as it is, it can become a really daunting task. A baby or little one’s room should be inspiring, soothing - and ideally the wallpaper you choose is one they can grow up with a little or even a lot.
Should you be looking to decorate a nursery or playroom, Milola Design has a selection of perfect girls bedroom, boys bedroom and gender neutral wallpapers for you to select from. If you want to design a girls room, one of our favourites is Soul Sister in chalk. It's a feminine wallpaper which has a magically beautiful feel to it. It’s floral design will envelope your little girl in a beautiful and calming feminine interior, and being based on an 18th Century Indienne fabric, it will inspire her with vintage beauty. The pink chalk colour is a very sophisticated one, muted and with depth and thus perfect for her to grow up with and appreciate over the years right through to adulthood.
Another beautiful girls bedroom wallpaper is Folie Fora in pink. A floral bouquet in the sweetest of pink, embellished with little birds. Uplighting, light and full of inspiration for your little one, creating the most joyfully pretty interior for beautiful childhood memories.
For boys, have a look at Fast Lane in either pale blue or cream. Now this is a design which will fire up their appreciation (and knowledge) for classic beauty and maybe even help them along with their reading! Fast Lane depicts a range of wonderfully colourful - but not garish, old timers with their individual names set against a clotted cream or light blue. The range of car colours allows for a multitude of hues to decorate with, creating a room that is whimsically fun with a big nod to classic elegance!
For wallpaper samples, check whether there is a showroom in your country here for quick delivery, or simply order a sample from our website.

Ah, so you want to surround them in magic? Look no further than Mr. Z Magic, our fantastical cross between a kind Zebra and spirited Unicorn! He is softly spoken and yet full of POW - which will nurture them along to dream that anything IS possible. This is the wallpaper my seven year old daughter chose for her bedroom in the original cream version - but remember that we do make custom colourways for Mr. Z Magic which has been ever popular (see below - Mr. Z on Bright White). Do get in touch if this is something you would like to discuss.
For wallpaper samples of Mr. Z Magic, check whether there is a showroom in your country here for quick delivery, or simply order a sample from our website.

Now we come to one of our favourite collections for the little ones - the Eli series. Having said that these wallpapers have been chosen by teenagers and adults alike - so look no further should you be seeking a wallpaper to accompany a child through the years. The elephant as you know represents luck, strength, tenacity and wisdom….something we can all do a little of a lot of the time. Eli grey blue has a Scandinavian feel to it, with its sophisticated, calm and crisp look. Eli dusty pink will give you a cosy, charming and alluring interior setting due to its dynamic colour which looks different throughout the time of day. Then there is Eli in orange - now this beautiful copperplate depiction of the elephant will lift a room not only with its colour, but with the ever so slight smile you can see that Eli is making. A genius wallpaper for a kid’s bedroom as it is playful - yet it's not overbearing in Eli’s ever beguiling way.
For wallpaper samples of the Eli Collection, check whether there is a showroom in your country here for quick delivery, or simply order a sample from our website.