Elevate a Home with Wallpapers and Fabrics

Whether a wallpaper is a bohemian floral or bold geometric, it has the power of making you feel joy every time you walk into a room.


Wallpaper will add depth, space, style and interest into any room be it large or small. Here at Milola you'll find a range of wallcoverings that will suit all of your interior design needs.



We are launching a range of beautiful textiles to either match with your favorite wallpaper design or to sit perfectly alongside it to give that unique and inviting look you are aiming for.


Home Decor

Your home should be filled with unique peices that are meaniningful to you and will last. At Milola we aim to produce those special home products that will add flair and stand the test of time.

milola design wallpaper and fabrics

A Home Full of Personality

Interiors with subtle suprises and points of interest are often the most welcoming. Using rich wallpaper or fabrics can do just that in one sweep.

The making of a collection

Milola Lampshades

Milola has launched a range of bespoke lampshades. You choose a design and the size - we will delivery your unique made-to-measure lampshade.

milola design wallpaper and fabrics

Milola's Motivation

I love the idea of helping you decorate a chic and ecclectic home that at the forefront exudes JOY. I want to make it easy for you to create layers in an interior by using compelling, colourful and beautiful wallpaper and textiles that each have a story - your story, to tell.

Brochure - Autumn 2023

Bespoke Colourway Service

Get in touch should you wish to discuss making a wallpaper design meet you interior design project needs

milola design wallpaper and fabrics