Boho Chic Wallpaper Decor

So I hear boho chic interiors are here to stay.... not that I'm a wild trend follower, but I have to say that I'm relieved. Giving interiors some love is the way forward and there is no better way to do this than wallpapering with a design that is both feminine, inviting and oozing chic.
One of our most popular wallpapers does all of this and plenty more - Indienne Grande and Indienne Petite. These are the same design in different scales, the design being is based on a French Indienne from the 1700's. It has a bohemian allure with its mainly warm neutrals, infused with pops of pink, mauve, blue and yellow. This is a wonderful bedroom wallpaper as it's both peaceful and uplifting, which is a perfect bedroom interior combination. You use it in so many interiors such as a downstairs loo - and then why not add some funky lampshades in mustard yellow or hot pink with deep brown wood panelling to add depth. This combination will create a super sophisticated and contemporary vibe to your bohemian interior.
Indienne Wallpaper in a bedroom Interior

Indienne Wallpaper in a hallway interior

Go for a softer bohemian touch with Soul Sister. Soul Sister wallpaper is available in Aqua, as seen below, but also in chalk and in mauve. All are fully floral and radiate warmth with eclectic cool.

For more wallpaper ideas with bohemian panache see our designs such as Taklamakan. This one is based on a sumptuous antique textile - you can find out more about this antique fabric on our latest instagram post . The design takes the fabric's infinite detail and brings it to you in a digitally printed format recreating that sense of having your walls wrapped up in a cosy and elegant textile.

Taklamakan is available in Sand and in Indigo for more boho lustre in this design.
Should you be more daring, we can offer Damas. This is a bold wallpaper that carries full on haute-bohemian elegance. It is based on an folk textile from the 1700's and is a large stripe design that can be railroaded to inject a more contemporary vibe.

So if you want a home full of stories and history - essentially full of life, then a bohemian interior style is for you. Whether you go for folk inspired, floral or just start layering your home with wallpaper, textiles, and objets d'arts that are meaningful to you, the effect will be enveloping, interesting and inviting. Basically, the perfect ingredients for a perfect interior.